Hi Members,
2023 HISC Membership Applications are now open.
HISC Membership Application can be found on the HISC website under FORMS tab or click on the link.
Active Kids Vouchers are able to be used for Membership Payments.
Renewal of memberships are due by 1st January 2023 and all figure skaters and must be current financial members before taking to the ice. If you are wanting to compete in Aussie Skate and IJS level (preliminary or above) in 2023 you will also need to become a member of NSWISA on the NSWISA Website. Skaters competing in Aussie Skate will also need to join or renew their ISA Aussie Skate Membership – ISA Aussie Skate to ensure insurance cover.
Please note if you skated at nationals in 2022 please contact secretary@hisc.com.au about your 2023 membership.
Kind Regards,
Michelle Lantz
HISC Secretary.